How to Apply

The Rothley Trust is currently accepting applications for the May 2025 meeting. Closing date Friday,   18 April 2025.

We prefer to receive applications by email.  Email: or if necessary by post  to Mrs G. Allsopp, Trust Secretary, PO Box 224, Bedlington, NE63 3FJ  and include the following information. (As a guide two sides of A4 should be sufficient).

Your Group Details

Full name, address and telephone number of the group (if available please include E-mail Address and Website Address).


Brief History of the group and when it first started.

Current Activities

Briefly outline what your group does and who benefits.
How many members do you have?
What is the age range?
Where do you operate?

Funding Request

What do you require money for and when?
How much is the total project cost?
How much are you contributing?
Have you applied to other funders?
What is the result?

Charitable Status

Are you a registered charity?
If ‘Yes’ please give the number
If ’No’ please ask a local charity to act as a cheque handler.
Please give their name and address and telephone number.

Payment of Grants

The Rothley Trust pays all grants by Bank Transfer.  Please provide  a bank statement or paying in slip with your application.

Please attach/enclose with your application

List of items you require with estimated costs.

Copy of your most recent Annual Report and Accounts (New groups- evidence of bank/building society account showing name of group)

A copy of your Constitution or governing document

A copy of your Safeguarding Policy (this is a regulatory requirement)

A copy of a bank statement or paying in slip

New groups: List of your Trustees and Management Committee